Lesson 1
¿Cómo describirías estas figuras?
Warm-up: Observa y pregúntate: Arte con cuerdas (5 minutes)
This warm-up prompts students to generate formal and informal geometric language (lines, points, straight, curved) that will be used in an upcoming task by familiarizing themselves with a context and the mathematics that might be involved.
When students articulate what they notice and wonder, they have an opportunity to attend to precision in the language they use to describe what they see (MP6). They might first propose less formal or imprecise language, and then restate their observation with more precise language in order to communicate more clearly.
- Groups of 2
- Display the image.
- “¿Qué observan? ¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you notice? What do you wonder?”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- “Discutan con su compañero lo que pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Share and record responses.
Student Facing
¿Qué observas? ¿Qué te preguntas?

Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “En las observaciones que hicieron y en lo que se preguntaron, ¿qué palabras o términos se mencionaron varias veces?” // “Which words or terms came up multiple times in the observations you made and in the questions you had?” (point, line, straight)
- “Vamos a trabajar con estas características geométricas en esta lección y en las siguientes. Veamos qué podemos descubrir sobre ellas” //“We’ll work with these geometric features in this lesson and in upcoming ones. Let’s see what we can find out about them.”
Activity 1: ¿Ves lo que yo veo? (25 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is to motivate a need for more precise geometric language. Students work with a partner to replicate given geometric images—one partner describes the images and the other draws them solely based on the verbal descriptions from their partner. Students do this over several rounds, switching roles after two rounds. As students attempt to produce more accurate drawings, they try to fine-tune their descriptions. They notice that more specific language or terminology is needed to better describe the features in the images (MP6).
Here are the two sets of images:
Set 1
Set 2
As students are working, listen for and collect the terms or descriptions that come up often or that effectively help the drawer replicate the image (for example: horizontal, vertical, point, lines, segment, top, bottom, and so on).
This activity uses MLR2 Collect and Display. Advances: conversing, reading, writing.
Supports accessibility for: Organization, Language, Social-Emotional Functioning
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Materials to Copy
- Do You See What I See?
Required Preparation
- Create a set of 4 cards from the blackline master for each group of 2.
- Create a poster with the two images shown in activity synthesis.
- Groups of 2
- Read the instructions together as a class. Demonstrate or clarify the process as needed.
- Give each student a ruler or a straightedge. Give each group four blank (unlined) index cards.
- Give 4 blank cards to each group.
- Give one partner the first image card from Set 1. When the group is done with the first round and has discussed the drawing, give the second card.
- 3–4 minutes per round.
MLR2 Collect and Display
- Circulate, listen for, and collect the language students use to describe the first and second images. Listen for: line, point, straight, corner, quadrilateral, triangle, rhombus, vertical, horizontal, middle, top, bottom, left, right.
- Record students’ words and phrases on a visual display and update it throughout the lesson.
- Repeat for the second partner, using the cards from Set 2.
Student Facing
Trabajen con un compañero en esta actividad. Siéntense espalda contra espalda o usen algo que les impida ver lo que el otro ve.
Compañero A:
- Tu profesor te dará una tarjeta. No se la muestres a tu compañero.
- Describe la imagen de la tarjeta, de la forma más clara y precisa posible, de tal manera que tu compañero pueda dibujarla en una tarjeta en blanco.
Compañero B:
- Tu profesor te dará una tarjeta en blanco.
- Tu compañero va a describir una imagen. Escucha con atención lo que describe. En tu tarjeta, dibuja lo que describe tu compañero.
Cuando terminen, comparen la imagen dada y la imagen dibujada. Discutan:
¿Cuáles partes fueron exactas? ¿Cuáles no lo fueron?
¿Cómo se pueden mejorar las descripciones para que el dibujo sea más exacto?
¿Qué palabras o descripciones son útiles?
- Inténtelo de nuevo con una segunda tarjeta que les dará su profesor. Cuando terminen, comparen y discutan las imágenes de nuevo.
- Intercambien roles y repitan el ejercicio. Su profesor les dará 2 tarjetas nuevas (1 para cada ronda).
Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
- “¿Qué palabras puedes usar para ayudarle a tu compañero a dibujar esa parte de la figura exactamente como tu lo quieres?” // “What words could you use to help your partner draw that part of the figure exactly how you want it?”
- “¿Cómo puedes partir en partes el _____ que ves? ¿De qué manera podrías describir cómo dibujar cada parte?” // “How could you break the _____ you see into parts? How could you describe how to draw each part?”
Activity Synthesis
- “¿Qué otras palabras o frases importantes deberíamos incluir en nuestra presentación?” // “Are there any other words or phrases that are important to include on our display?”
Display the chart of terms and these images to facilitate discussion. Annotate on them to support students with mathematical terms.
- As students share responses, update the display, by adding (or replacing) language, diagrams, or annotations.
- Remind students to borrow language from the display as needed.
- “¿Cómo describieron lo que vieron?” // “How did you describe what you saw?” (By describing where the lines start and where they end, their directions, the distances between them, what they look like—if they look like a familiar shape or letter.)
- “¿Qué palabras o descripciones fueron más útiles cuando describieron las figuras y cuáles fueron menos útiles?” // “What words or descriptions were more helpful when describing the figures and which were less helpful?” (Helpful examples: line, point, straight, corner, triangle, rhombus, vertical, horizontal, middle, top, bottom, left, right. Less helpful examples: here, there, a little bit, pointy, slanted.)
- “¿Qué fue fácil de describir?” // “What was easy to describe?” (Lines that start a corner or the middle of an edge, lines that go left and right or up and down.)
- “¿Qué no lo fue?” // “What was not?” (Lines that cross other lines or that stop at hard-to-describe points.)
- “¿Alguien midió algo o uso medidas? ¿En qué casos podrían haber sido útiles las medidas?” // “Did anyone measure something or use measurements? When might measurements have been helpful?” (When describing distances between lines or the position of a starting point.)
Activity 2: Rectas y segmentos de recta (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is to enable students to notice segments as parts of lines and motivate a need for a term to describe them.
Students are asked to draw multiple lines and to notice shapes that intersecting lines might have created. As they look for familiar shapes or figures in their drawing—polygons, letters, or numbers—their attention shifts from the lines to portions of the lines that make up those figures. Certain sections of the lines now have new significance apart from the lines that contain them. The observations here prepare students to better understand the mathematical definition of line segments.
The synthesis introduces the term line segment informally. In the next lesson, the meaning of the term, as well as of the meanings of lines and points, will be formalized.
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
- Groups of 3–4
- Give each student a ruler or a straightedge.
- Display the image of dots.
- “¿Qué observan?” // “What do you notice?” (There are lots of dots or points. If we connect them, we can make shapes. I see triangles, rhombuses, and hexagons. The dots make straight lines left to right, and they are the same distance apart.)
- “¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you wonder?” (Why are the points in one row not lined up with the points in the rows above or below it? Will we be connecting the dots?)
- “En esta actividad, vamos a usar los puntos que hay en la imagen para hacer diferentes figuras” // “In this activity, we will use the dots in the image to make different figures.”
- Demonstrate drawing a line through a set of dots in the isometric dot image, extending them as far as possible.
- 3 minutes: independent work time
- 2 minutes: partner discussion
- As students discuss, listen for informal descriptions of points, lines, and line segments.
Student Facing
Este es un campo de puntos.
- Dibuja 5 rectas, cada una debe conectar al menos 2 puntos y extenderse tanto como sea posible.
¿Tus rectas formaron algunas figuras conocidas, como un triángulo, un cuadrilátero, una letra o un número?
Identifica al menos una figura conocida en tu dibujo. Traza la figura con un marcador más grueso o usa un lápiz de color para resaltarla.
Comparte tu dibujo con tus compañeros de grupo. Discutan:
- ¿En qué se parecen los dibujos? ¿Qué tienen en común todas las figuras?
- ¿En qué son diferentes los dibujos?
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- Display the image on the task statement. Invite students to share their drawings and their responses to the discussion questions.
- “¿En qué se parecen sus dibujos?” // “How are your drawings alike?” (They all have long lines. The shapes are made of shorter pieces of the lines. Some of those pieces end in dots. Others are cut off by another line.)
- “¿En qué son diferentes sus dibujos?” // “How are your drawings different?” (The lines made different shapes and letters. Some shapes are made of parts that always end in dots. Others have parts that don’t end in dots.)
- Display the annotated chart from the previous activity.
- “Cada parte de una recta que conforma su figura se llama un segmento de recta o un segmento. Podemos ver dónde empieza un segmento y dónde termina” // “Each part of a line that makes up your shape is called a line segment or a segment. We can see where a segment starts and where it stops.”
- Ask students to point out to their partners some segments in their drawings.
- “Algunos de ustedes han usado la palabra ‘puntos’ para describir ciertos lugares de las figuras que dibujaron” // “Some of you have used the word ‘points’ to describe the dots or certain parts of the figures you drew.”
- “¿Cuántos puntos ven marcados en esta recta o segmento de recta? ¿Dónde están?” // “How many points do you see marked on this line or line segment? Where are they?” (I see 3 points marking the top of my 7.)
- “¿Pueden mostrarle a su compañero algunos puntos en las figuras que dibujaron?” // “Can you show your partner some points in the figures you drew?”
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy describimos algunos dibujos e hicimos algunos dibujos basándonos en descripciones. Observamos que en los dibujos estaban presentes puntos, rectas y segmentos, y que esos términos eran útiles para describir lo que veíamos” // “Today we described some drawings and created some drawings based on descriptions. We noticed how points, lines, and segments are present in the drawings, and that those terms were handy for describing what we were seeing.”
“Examinemos la imagen 2 del grupo 1 de la primera actividad” // “Let’s look at image 2 of set 1 from the first activity.”
Draw a quick sketch of this image to annotate during discussion.
“Imaginemos que las rectas que llegan hasta el borde de la tarjeta continuarían si la tarjeta fuera más grande” // "Let’s imagine that the lines that reach the edge of the card actually go on if the card was larger.”
Annotate sketch to demonstrate extended lines.
“¿Cuántas rectas ven?” // “How many lines do you see?” (four)
Label each line as students identify.
“¿Dónde ven puntos en este dibujo?” // “Where do you see points in this drawing?” (Students are likely to identify vertices of the triangle and also places where lines intersect.)
As students identify points, add each to the sketch for reference.
“Cuando le describieron el dibujo a un amigo, ¿cuáles puntos fueron más útiles?” // “Which points were most helpful when describing the drawing to a friend?” (the points where the lines cross one another, or the points where the lines cross the edges of the card)
“¿Dónde están los segmentos de recta en esta imagen?” // “Where are the line segments in this image?” (any part of a line with a starting point and an ending point)
“¿Cuántos segmentos ven en este dibujo?” // “How many segments do you see in this drawing?” (Students are likely to say 8, but there are more, including pieces that go from one edge of the card to another edge.)
Cool-down: Rectas y más (5 minutes)
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