Lesson 4
Otra mirada al algoritmo estándar
Warm-up: Conversación numérica: Diferencias (10 minutes)
This Number Talk encourages students to think about the base-ten structure of whole numbers and properties of operations to mentally solve subtraction problems. The reasoning elicited here will be helpful later in the lesson when students find differences of multi-digit numbers.
- Display one expression.
- “Hagan una señal cuando tengan una respuesta y puedan explicar cómo la obtuvieron” // “Give me a signal when you have an answer and can explain how you got it.”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- Record answers and strategy.
- Keep expressions and work displayed.
- Repeat with each expression.
Student Facing
Encuentra mentalmente el valor de cada diferencia.
- \(87 - 24\)
- \(387 - 124\)
- \(6,\!387 - 129\)
- \(6,\!387 - 4,\!329\)
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “¿Cómo se relaciona cada expresión con la expresión anterior a ella?” // “How is each expression related to the one before it?”
- “¿Cómo nos podría ayudar la primera expresión a encontrar el valor de la última expresión?” // “How might the first expression help us find the value of the last expression?” (Sample response: Knowing \(87 - 24\) can help us find \(87 - 29\). The latter is 5 less than the former. Then we can just find \(6,\!300 - 4,\!300\).)
Activity 1: Muchos ceros (15 minutes)
In this activity, students subtract multi-digit numbers. They do so in two ways: by using the standard algorithm for subtraction and by finding unknown addends. Students find the value of a string of related differences that encourage them to look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning (MP8).
Students may notice that when a subtraction problem requires them to decompose multiple units to subtract in one place when using the standard algorithm—as is the case when the minuend has multiple zeros and the subtrahend has mostly non-zero digits—the standard algorithm for subtraction may not be the most practical. Students use their work in the lesson activity to discuss alternatives to the standard algorithm in these cases, including methods based on the relationship between addition and subtraction and reasoning about sums and differences that are easier to calculate (MP7).
Advances: Representing, Conversing
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing, Attention, Social-Emotional Functioning
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
- Groups of 2
- Display the first set of equations.
- “¿Qué observan? ¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you notice? What do you wonder?”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- Share responses.
- 6–8 minutes: independent work time
- 3–4 minutes: partner discussion
- Monitor students who:
- use the standard algorithm and record how they decompose each place
- think flexibly about how to decompose a larger place one time (for example, for \(7,\!000 - 16\), rather than thinking about decomposing by starting with 7 thousands, they think of decomposing 700 tens and record to show 7,000 as 699 tens and 10 ones)
- use the results of solved problems to help solve new problems (by using known differences or by making use of a pattern)
- use additive reasoning (for example, thinking about what number to add to 16 to find 100 and adding on to 100 to reach the total)
Student Facing
En cada caso, encuentra el valor de la diferencia.
a. b. c. d. -
En cada caso, encuentra el número que hace que la expresión sea verdadera.
a. b. c. d.
Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
If students appear to subtract or add to find each expression in a string without making connections between expressions, consider asking:
- “¿Cómo encontraste el valor desconocido de la expresión anterior?” // “How did you find the unknown value in the previous expression?”
- “En cada expresión, ¿qué observas acerca del valor que encontraste?” // “What do you notice about the value you found in each expression?”
- “Antes de empezar a trabajar en la siguiente expresión, ¿cuál piensas que será el valor desconocido?” // “Before you start in any steps on the next expression, what do you think the unknown value will be?”
Activity Synthesis
- Select previously identified students to share their strategies they used to find the value of \(7,\!000 - 16\).
- Ask students who didn’t use the standard algorithm to subtract why they chose another way.
- “¿En qué se parecen encontrar el valor de las diferencias del primer grupo de ecuaciones y encontrar el sumando desconocido del segundo grupo de ecuaciones?” // “How was finding the value of the differences in the first set of equations like finding the unknown addend in the second set of equations?” (They both had totals that kept adding a new place. The two-digit number in each did not have any zeros, but the total number in each had many zeros. There was a pattern in each. You could think about adding on and adding to a number like 100 first for each set.)
Activity 2: Formas de encontrar diferencias (20 minutes)
Previously, students used the standard algorithm for subtraction to find the differences involving minuends with multiple zeros. They also used the standard algorithm of addition to find a missing addend that gives a sum with multiple zeros for its digits. In this activity, students make connections between these two ways of reasoning about differences. They also analyze another way to find differences between multi-digit numbers.
- “Examinen los cálculos de Priya y de Han. ¿En qué se parecen sus planteamientos? ¿En qué son diferentes?” // “Look at Priya and Han’s calculations. How are their setups alike? How are they different?”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- 1 minute: share responses
- Highlight that Priya is subtracting 472 from 20,000, while Han is finding a number to add to 472 to get 20,000, but both are finding the same missing number.
- 6–8 minutes: independent work time on the first three questions
- Pause for a discussion before the last question.
Select students to share their calculations, or display:
Priya Han Kiran
\(\begin{align} 472 + 8 &= 480\\ 480 + 20 &= 500\\ 500 + 500 &= 1,\!000\\ 1,\!000 + 19,\!000 &= 20,\!000\\ \end{align} \)
\(\displaystyle 19,\!000 + 500 + 20 + 8 = 19,\!528\)
- Ask a student to explain what is happening in each calculation.
- “¿Alguien pensó en otra forma de encontrar la diferencia?” // “Did anyone think of another way to find the difference?” (See sample student response.)
- Poll the class on their preferred strategy. Ask a student from each camp to explain their reasoning.
- 3 minutes: independent work time on the last question
- Monitor for students who try Priya’s way, Han’s way, Kiran’s way, or a different way for sharing in the lesson synthesis.
Student Facing
Para encontrar el valor de \(20,\!000 - 472\), Priya y Han plantearon sus cálculos de formas distintas.
- Usa ambos métodos para encontrar la diferencia entre 20,000 y 472.
Kiran usa otro método. Explica cómo encontró Kiran el valor de \(20,\!000 - 472\).
\(\begin{align} 472 + 8 &= 480\\ 480 + 20 &= 500\\ 500 + 500 &= 1,\!000\\ 1,\!000 + 19,\!000 &= 20,\!000\\ \end{align}\)
\(19,\!000 + 500 + 20 + 8 = 19,\!528\)
- ¿Cuál método prefieres? ¿Prefieres encontrar la diferencia de otra forma? Explica tu razonamiento.
- Encuentra el valor de \(50,\!400 - 1,\!389\). Muestra cómo razonaste.
Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Activity Synthesis
- See lesson synthesis.
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy usamos distintas formas de restarle un número que tiene dígitos que no son cero a un número que tiene ceros” // “Today we used different ways to subtract a number with non-zero digits from a number with zeros.”
“¿Qué estrategia usaron para encontrar la diferencia entre 50,400 y 1,389?” // “What strategy did you use to find the difference between 50,400 and 1,389?” (Display the strategies used in the last question. Or, display the three ways here and any additional methods. Ask students to explain each method.)
Using Kiran’s method:
\(\begin{align} 1,\!389 + 11 &= 1,\!400\\ 1,\!400 + 49,\!000 &= 50,\!400\\ 49,\!000+11 &= 49,\!011\\ \end{align}\)
Using Han’s method:
Using Priya’s method
(standard algorithm):
“¿Cuándo puede ser conveniente usar el algoritmo estándar para restar dos números de varios dígitos?” // “When might it be convenient to use the standard algorithm to subtract two multi-digit numbers?” (When most digits in the second number are smaller than those in the same place in the first number.)
“¿Cuándo podría no ser conveniente usar el algoritmo estándar para restar?” // “When might it be inconvenient to use the standard algorithm to subtract?” (When most digits in the second number are greater than those in the same place in the first number, making it necessary to do multiple rounds of regrouping.)
Cool-down: Un par de diferencias (5 minutes)
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