Lesson 9

Interpreting Functions

  • Let’s describe the domain of a function based on the context it models.

9.1: Notice and Wonder: What Do You See?

Here is a table of values of data that was collected.

\(x\) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
\(y\) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Here are two graphs of the data. What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Scatter plot from 0 comma 6 to 6 comma 0. As x increases by 1, y decreases by 1 for all points in between 

Line with x and y intercepts of 6

9.2: Connect . . . or Not

Here are descriptions of relationships between quantities.

  • Make a table of at least 5 pairs of values that represent the relationship.
  • Plot the points. Label the axes of the graph.
  • Should the points be connected? Are there any input or output values that don’t make sense? Explain.

  1. A cab charges \$1.50 per mile plus \$3.50 for entering the cab. The cost of the ride is a function of the miles, \(m\), ridden and is defined by \(c(m)=1.50m+3.50\).

    Blank coordinate plane. 9 tick marks on horizontal axis. 21 tick marks on vertical axis.
    \(m\) \(c\)
  2. The admission to the state park is \$5.00 per vehicle plus \$1.50 per passenger. The total admission for one vehicle is a function of the number of passengers, \(p\), defined by the equation \(a(p) = 5 + 1.50p\).

    Blank coordinate plane. 9 tick marks on horizontal axis. 21 tick marks on vertical axis.
    \(p\) \(a\)
  3. A new species of mice is introduced to an island, and the number of mice is a function of the time in months, \(t\), since they were introduced. The number of mice is represented by the model \(b(t)=16 \boldcdot (1.5)^t\).

    Blank coordinate plane. 9 tick marks on horizontal axis. 21 tick marks on vertical axis.
    \(t\) \(b\)
  4. When you fold a piece of paper in half, the visible area of the paper gets halved. The area is a function of number of folds, \(n\), and is defined by \(A(n)=93.5\left(\frac12\right)^n\).

    Blank coordinate plane. 9 tick marks on horizontal axis. 21 tick marks on vertical axis.
    \(n\) \(A\)


9.3: Thinking Like a Modeler

To make sense in a given context, many functions need restrictions on the domain and range. For each description of a function

  • describe the domain and range
  • describe what its graph would look like (separate dots, or connected?)
  1. weight of a puppy as a function of time
  2. number of winter coats sold in a store as a function of temperature outside
  3. number of books in a library as a function of number of people who live in the community the library serves
  4. height of water in a tank as a function of volume of water in the tank
  5. amount of oxygen in the atmosphere as a function of elevation above or below sea level
  6. thickness of a folded piece of paper as a function of number of folds
