Lesson 8
Busquemos a alguien que, busquemos algo que
Warm-up: Cuál es diferente: Representaciones de 6 (10 minutes)
- Groups of 2
- Display the image.
- “Escojan una que sea diferente. Prepárense para compartir por qué es diferente” // “Pick one that doesn’t belong. Be ready to share why it doesn’t belong.”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- “Discutan con su compañero cómo pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 2–3 minutes: partner discussion
- Share and record responses.
Student Facing
¿Cuál es diferente?

Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- Display Image D.
- “Mencionen 2 maneras de formar 6 que se puedan ver con estos puntos” // “What are 2 ways to make 6 that you can see with these dots?” (5 and 1, 4 and 2)
- “¿De qué otras maneras pueden formar 6?” // “What other ways can you make 6?” (3 and 3, 1 and 5, 6 and 0, 2 and 4)
Activity 1: Busquemos a alguien que (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to ask and answer mathematical questions about their classmates. Students are provided with prompts, such as “Busquen a alguien que tenga un nombre que se escriba con más de 5 letras” // “Find someone who has more than 5 letters in their name.” They will need to talk to their peers to complete the prompts. If necessary, adjust the prompts to make them more relevant and engaging for your students.
Supports accessibility for: Organization, Attention
Required Materials
- Give each student a clipboard and a recording sheet.
- “Yo les voy a dar un enunciado como este: ‘Busquen a alguien que tenga el pelo morado’. Su tarea es caminar por el salón y hablar con varios compañeros hasta que encuentren a alguien que tenga el pelo morado. Pídanle que escriba su nombre en su hoja” // “I’m going to give you a prompt like, ‘Find someone who has purple hair.’ Your job is to walk around and talk to different partners until you find someone who has purple hair and ask them to write their name on your sheet.”
- “Busquen a alguien que tenga un nombre que se escriba con más de 5 letras. Cuando lo encuentren, pídanle que escriba su nombre en el primer recuadro” // “Find someone who has more than 5 letters in their first name. When you find someone, have them write their name in the first box.”
- 3 minutes: whole-class work time
- Repeat the steps with the rest of the prompts.
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “¿Qué hicieron para encontrar a alguien que tuviera un nombre que se escribiera con menos de 5 letras?” // “What did you do to find someone who has less than 5 letters in their first name?” (I asked ___ because I know ___ has only 4 letters. I asked everyone how many letters were in their name until I found ___ who only has 3 letters in their name.)
Activity 2: Busquemos algo que (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to recognize different ways math is around them in their community. Students find an object or objects that fit particular prompts, such as “Busquen un grupo de objetos que podrían usar para llenar un tablero de 10” // “Find a group of objects that you could use to fill in a 10-frame.” and “Busquen 2 objetos que tengan pesos que puedan comparar” // “Find 2 objects that you can compare the weight of.” When students identify objects in the classroom that fit different constraints they are taking an important step toward modeling with mathematics (MP4).
Advances: Conversing
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
- Groups of 2
- Give students access to 10-frames, geoblocks, and solid shapes.
- “Con su pareja, busquen uno o varios objetos según lo que les piden en cada enunciado” // “Work with your partner to find an object or objects that goes with each prompt.”
- “Busquen algo que puedan contar” // “Find something that you can count.”
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- 2 minutes: partner work time
- “Ahora cuenten lo que encontraron” // “Now count what you found.”
- 1 minute: partner work time
- Repeat the steps with the rest of the prompts.
Student Facing
- Busca algo que puedas contar.
- Busca 2 objetos que tengan pesos que puedas comparar.
- Busca algunos objetos que sepas cuántos hay sin tener que contarlos.
- Busca 5 objetos del mismo tipo.
- Busca 2 grupos de objetos que formen 10 objetos en total.
- Busca un grupo de objetos que podrías usar para llenar un tablero de 10.
- Busca algo que podrías crear usando figuras sólidas.
- Busca 2 grupos de objetos que tengan números de objetos que puedes comparar.
- Busca algo que tenga un número.
- Busca 2 objetos que tengan longitudes que puedas comparar.
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- Invite students to share the two objects that they found for the final prompt.
- “¿Cómo compararon las longitudes de los objetos?” // “How did you compare the length of the objects?” (We could just see that one was longer and one was shorter. We lined them up at the bottom and saw which one stuck out more.)
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Digan una cosa que hayan aprendido hoy sobre sus compañeros” // “What is one new thing that you learned about your classmates today?”
“Digan una cosa que hayan aprendido hoy sobre nuestro salón de clase” // “What is one new thing that you learned about our classroom today?”
“Mañana van a inventarse sus propias preguntas matemáticas sobre nuestro salón de clase y nuestra escuela. Pueden pensar en algunas preguntas como las que respondimos hoy” // “Tomorrow, you will get to develop your own math questions about our classroom and school. You can think about some of the kinds of questions that we answer today.”
Cool-down: Unidad 8, punto de chequeo de la sección B (0 minutes)
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