Acc6.3 Fractions and Decimals

In the first half of this unit, students examine how the relative sizes of numerator and denominator affect the size of their quotient when numerator or denominator (or both) is a fraction. They acquire the understanding that dividing by \(\frac{a}{b}\) has the same outcome as multiplying by \(b\), then by \(\frac{1}{a}\). They compute quotients of fractions. They solve problems involving lengths and areas of figures with fractional side lengths and extend the formula for the volume of a right rectangular prism to prisms with fractional edge lengths and use it to solve problems. They use tape diagrams, equations, and expressions to represent situations involving partitive or quotitive interpretations of division with fractions. Given a multiplication or division equation or expression with fractions, they describe a situation that it could represent.

In the second half of this unit, students compute sums, differences, products, and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers and decimals, using efficient algorithms. They use calculations with whole numbers and decimals to solve problems set in real-world contexts.

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