Lesson 14
Las figuras en el arte
Warm-up: Observa y pregúntate: Las figuras en el arte (10 minutes)
The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit the idea that shapes make up objects seen and represented in the environment. While students may notice and wonder many things about this painting, recognizing and describing shapes and their location in the painting are the important discussion points. When students articulate what they notice and wonder, they have an opportunity to attend to precision in the language they use to describe what they see (MP6).
- Groups of 2
- Display the image.
- “¿Qué observan? ¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you notice? What do you wonder?”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- “Discutan con su pareja lo que pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Share and record responses.
Student Facing
¿Qué te preguntas?

Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “¿Qué figuras ven en esta pintura? Díganle a su compañero dónde ven las figuras” // “What shapes do you see in this painting? Tell your partner where you see the shapes.”
Activity 1: Encontremos figuras en el arte (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to recognize shapes in different pieces of artwork from around the world. Before beginning the activity, consider using a map to show students the country from which each piece originates. Students recognize shapes in each piece and discuss in the synthesis how they are alike and different. Students may notice that some artists put shapes together to create designs, while others use shapes to compose things we may recognize such as people, animals, and buildings. Consider creating a cue or signal to indicate when students should move from one drawing to the next.
Advances: Representing, Conversing
Required Materials
Materials to Copy
- Shapes in Art, Spanish
- Groups of 2
- Display the artwork around the room.
- “Hemos estado juntando fichas geométricas para formar figuras más grandes de muchas maneras distintas. Ahora vamos a ver 5 obras de arte. Cada obra viene de un lugar del mundo diferente” // “We have been putting pattern blocks together to form larger shapes in lots of different ways. Now we are going to look at 5 different pieces of art. Each piece comes from a different part of the world.”
- “Mientras caminan y miran la obra de arte que hay en cada estación, hablen con su compañero sobre cómo el artista usó figuras en su obra” // “As you walk around and look at the art at each station, talk to your partner about how the artists used shapes in their artwork.”
- 10 minutes: whole-class work time
Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Activity Synthesis
- Display each piece of artwork.
- “¿En qué se parecen estas obras de arte? ¿En qué son diferentes?” // “How are these all alike? How are they different?” (They all put small shapes together to make larger shapes. Some are just a design and some have people.)
- “Los artistas de todo el mundo usan figuras para crear sus obras de arte” // “Artists from all different parts of the world use shapes to create their art.”
Activity 2: Hagamos arte con figuras (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to put shapes together to form larger shapes. Students create their own piece of artwork by drawing or cutting out and putting together shapes. Students may use inspiration from the art they looked at in the first activity. Students may create designs or pictures of recognizable objects. Students may cut out their own shapes from construction paper, magazines, or other scraps. If available, some shapes that have already been cut out can be provided for students.
When students recognize mathematical features of objects in the real world, they model with mathematics (MP4).
Supports accessibility for: Organization, Conceptual Processing, Language
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Required Preparation
- Each student needs cut out paper shapes.
- Give each student a sheet of construction or white paper.
- Give students access to cut out shapes, glue, crayons, colored pencils, and markers.
- “Observamos que los artistas usan figuras de varias maneras para crear obras de arte. Algunos artistas hacen patrones y diseños. Algunos juntan figuras para formar personas o animales. Ahora ustedes van a usar figuras para crear su propia obra de arte. Pueden usar cualquiera de estos materiales. Piensen en cómo pueden dibujar o juntar figuras para formar figuras más grandes” // “We noticed that artists use shapes in different ways to create art. Some artists make patterns and designs. Some put shapes together to form people or animals. Now you are going to make your own piece of artwork using shapes. You can use any of these materials. Think about how you can draw or put shapes together to make larger shapes.”
- 8 minutes: independent work time
Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Activity Synthesis
- Display student work on tables or desks.
- “Ahora vamos a hacer un recorrido por el salón para ver las obras de arte que hicimos con las figuras” // “Now we will do a gallery walk to see the art we made using shapes.”
- 5 minutes: gallery walk
Activity 3: Centros: Momento de escoger (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to choose from activities that offer practice building shapes and putting together shapes to form larger shapes.
Students choose from any stage of previously introduced centers.
- Match Mine
- Geoblocks
- Build Shapes
- Pattern Blocks
- Less, Same, More
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Required Preparation
- Gather materials from:
- Match Mine, Stage 1
- Geoblocks, Stages 1 and 2
- Build Shapes, Stages 1 and 2
- Pattern Blocks, Stages 1–5
- Less, Same, More, Stages 1–4
- “Hoy vamos a escoger un centro de los que ya conocemos” // “Today we are going to choose from centers we have already learned.”
- Display the center choices in the student book.
- “Piensen qué les gustaría hacer” // “Think about what you would like to do.”
- Invite students to work at the center of their choice.
- 10 minutes: center work time
Student Facing
Escoge un centro.
Haz una como la mía
Bloques sólidos geométricos

Construye figuras

Fichas geométricas
Menos, lo mismo, más
Activity Synthesis
- “Supongamos que yo quiero usar una ficha amarilla en forma de hexágono, pero mi compañero ya usó todas las fichas amarillas en forma de hexágono. ¿Qué puedo hacer?” // “What if I want to use a yellow hexagon pattern block in my puzzle and my partner has used all the yellow hexagon pattern blocks? What could I do?"
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
Cool-down: Unidad 3, punto de chequeo de la sección B (0 minutes)
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Cool-Downs.
Student Section Summary
Student Facing
En esta sección, juntamos figuras para formar figuras más grandes.
Algunas veces usamos figuras para formar otras figuras.
Algunas veces usamos figuras para hacer cosas de la vida real.
Aprendimos que la misma figura se puede ver diferente si la movemos.
La figura que hace falta es el cuadrado, pero se ve diferente porque está girado.
También usamos palabras como “encima”, “debajo”, “al lado de” y “junto a” para describir dónde están las figuras.
El triángulo verde está junto al trapecio rojo.
El triángulo verde está encima del rombo azul.