Lesson 3
Specific Side Lengths
Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Different Shapes (10 minutes)
- Groups of 2
- Display the image.
- “Pick one that doesn’t belong. Be ready to share why it doesn’t belong.”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 2–3 minutes: partner discussion
- Share and record responses.
Student Facing
Which one doesn’t belong?
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “What makes Shape A different from the others?” (It doesn’t have square corners.)
- “How can you tell it does not have square corners?” (A square wouldn’t fit in any of the corners in Shape A.)
Activity 1: Measure Twice, Draw Once (15 minutes)
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
- Groups of 2
- Give each student a ruler.
- “We are going to think more about shapes by measuring their sides. Use your ruler to identify and draw the shapes.”
- 7 minutes: independent work time
- “Compare the shapes you drew with your partner’s shapes.”
- 5 minutes: partner discussion
- Monitor for a variety of examples of Priya’s shape to share in the synthesis.
Student Facing
Diego drew a shape that has fewer than 5 sides. Two sides are 3 centimeters long. Circle shapes that could be Diego’s shape.
Tyler drew a shape that has 4 sides. Each side is 2 inches long.
Circle shapes that could be Tyler’s shape.
Draw another shape that could be Tyler’s shape.
- Priya drew a shape that has more sides than Tyler’s shape. Only one side of her shape is 2 inches long. Draw two shapes that could be Priya’s shape.
Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
- “Can you show me how you measured the sides of this shape?”
- “How can you use the ruler to make sure the side is 2 inches long?”
Activity Synthesis
- Select 2–3 previously identified students to share, or draw some examples, such as:
- Consider asking, “What is the same about these shapes? What is different?”
- “Why were we able to draw so many different shapes even though you had to use a certain length?” (Only one side had to be 2 inches. We could draw shapes with different numbers of sides.)
Activity 2: Build a Shape (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to recognize and draw shapes that have a specific number of sides and corners, and specific side lengths. Students deepen their understanding that shapes in the same category can share many attributes and look different. Students also notice that some attributes can’t go together to form a shape (for example, a shape can’t have 3 sides and 4 corners, or 3 sides and all square corners).
Students may persevere in problem solving if they look for or choose particular attributes that do not go together (MP1). In some cases, such as a shape with 3 sides and 4 corners, they may be able to see right away that no such shape exists. But in other cases, such as a shape with 3 sides and 2 square corners or 6 sides and all square corners, they will need to experiment and reason in order to predict that no such shape exists.
Advances: Conversing
Supports accessibility for: Organization, Conceptual Processing, Language
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
- Groups of 2
- Give students access to rulers.
- Display the attribute table.
- “We have been learning about attributes of shapes. This table shows some of the attributes of shapes we have been thinking about, such as number of sides, numbers or types of corners, and specific lengths of sides.”
- Draw or display a rectangle with two sides that are 3 inches long.
- “What attributes do you think were picked from this table to draw this shape?” (4 sides, 4 corners, all corners are square corners, 2 sides are the same length. It’s either 2 sides are 2 inches or 2 sides are 3 inches long.)
- Circle the attributes that students identify on the attribute table.
- “Now you will get a chance to pick your own attributes, draw your own shapes, and guess which attributes your partner picked.”
- “If you have time, work with your partner to answer the last problem.”
- 5 minutes: independent work time
- 5 minutes: partner work time
- Monitor for:
- a variety of triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons
- students who attempt to combine attributes that do not result in a shape
Student Facing
Choose your own attributes. Circle an attribute from each row.
sides 3 4 5 6 corners 3 4 5 6 side length 1 side is 2 in. 2 sides are 2 in. 2 sides are 3 in. 4 sides are 2 in. square
corners0 1 2 all square corners
Draw and name a shape with the attributes you chose. If you cannot draw the shape, explain why.
Name: ______________________________
Choose your own attributes. Circle an attribute from each row.
sides 3 4 5 6 corners 3 4 5 6 side length 1 side is 2 in. 2 sides are 2 in. 2 sides are 3 in. 4 sides are 2 in. square
corners0 1 2 all square corners
Draw and name a shape with the attributes you chose. If you cannot draw the shape, explain why.
Name: ______________________________
Choose your own attributes. Circle an attribute from each row.
sides 3 4 5 6 corners 3 4 5 6 side length 1 side is 2 in. 2 sides are 2 in. 2 sides are 3 in. 4 sides are 2 in. square
corners0 1 2 all square corners
Draw and name a shape with the attributes you chose. If you cannot draw the shape, explain why.
Name: ______________________________
- Cover your attribute table and trade papers with your partner. Guess which attributes they used to draw their shape.
- If you have time: Are there any attributes that are impossible to put together to make a shape? Show or explain.
Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Activity Synthesis
- Invite previously selected students to share the shapes they drew.
- For each, ask, “What attributes do you think they used to make this shape?”
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- Share responses.
- Display student work that shows attributes that do not make a shape, or share attributes and display an image like the following:
- 4 sides, 3 corners, 2 sides are 2 inches, 1 square corner
- “Why do you think _____ couldn’t finish this shape?”
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Today, we used length measurements to identify and draw shapes.”
4 sides
4 square corners
Each side is 3 inches long.
“Clare drew a shape that has these attributes. Which shape did Clare draw? Describe to your partner what the shape would look like.” (Clare drew a quadrilateral. It should look like a square.)
6 sides
5 corners
“Diego wanted to draw a shape with these attributes. Is it possible? Explain.” (No. The shape would not be able to close without having the same number of sides and corners. The shape would need to have the same number of sides and corners.)
Cool-down: Draw the Shape (5 minutes)
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